Thursday 19 June 2008

Borderline OUR LIVES exhibition opens in Mae Sot on Dau Aung San Suu Kyi's birthday

Today OUR LIVES exhibition opened in Mae Sot, Thailand. Borderline Gallery sent Sheila this lovely email.

Hello! Dear Sheila Laing, how are you there? We hope you are fine. All of us are well.Today, we are joyfully preparing for "Looking East, Looking West" special show reception. We hope that will be lucky for the night with too many people. B. also prepare to rent a car for the children.We wanna to share to you . So we will sent some images after opening night. Please go to attach file. Thank you for everything.With regards, Flock of Borderline.
Today Hle Bee teachers and students attended the Mae Sot opening of OUR LIVES exhibition with many parents and friends. It was at 7pm. Forthview were having an Assembly to celebrate Aung San Suu Kyi's birthday at exactly the same time in Scotland - 1.30pm. So we had an AMAZING phone link to each other using speakerphones. It was very exciting and very very special - a magical moment! Many Forthview teachers said they found it a moving experience and 220 Forthview children were as quiet as mice listening to Tha Zin greet them. 'Minghla Ba, Tha Zin', they shouted to her. To enrich the experience even more, Philip Campbell, a Scottish VSO volunteer friend joined us at Forthview for the first time for this assembly. Read his blog on
What a treasure our Burmese- Scottish friendship is.

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