Thursday 23 July 2009

Emotional Literacy in Grade 1 at Hle Bee

Today, Yan Yan and Than Thaing and I put up our Feelings displays that our classes were working on earlier in the week. The children loved seeing their friends' photos on the wall. We used the words to teach emotions in Burmese and in English.

I had given Yan Yan the P1 Feelings section of the Creating Confident Kids programme that Forthview and St Frances wrote, to read at the beginning of the week so today I said I would show him how to use Circletime to help his children talk and listen and share their feelings. The children were superb and Yan Yan picked it up really fast. First they said how they were feeling today, then they gave their reasons.
"I feel worried in case my mother hits me."
"I feel angry because my parents did not give me any money to buy a sweet at school."
"I feel worried in case I make a mistake in my work."
See, how they took to it like ducks to water.... speaking of which .... the school has its own mother duck and 3 little ducklings... I always wanted a duck!
Back to the subject.....

One boy in Circletime said he liked lions so we are all being lions... and loving it!

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