Thursday 9 July 2009

Teacher Training in Chiang Mai

Today, we went to Thein Lwin's Thinking Classroom Foundation to teach An Introduction to Scottish Education.

We took our shoes off at the door.

Then we enjoyed a lovely lunch of rice, vegetables, chicken and pototo, fishballs and fruit with the teachers Thein Lwin is training just now.

What did we talk about?

Fiona spoke about Early Education and learning through play. Irvine spoke about Formative and Summative Assessment. Sheila gave the big picture of Scottish Education 1965 - 1991 -2008. Yes, they were all falling asleep on us when we decided to do some Brain Gym and Circletime to keep us all awake.

We were delighted to see that Dr Thein Lwin had adapted a Forthview idea of Language of the Month into Language of the day for his students to share their ethnic languages with each other.

We also enjoyed reading the notes the teachers made during Dr Thein Lwin's training session on Critical Thinking. He has so much to teach us.


Lynn said...

Glad to see they are keeping you on your toes - think the Pirnie girls are having a similar "in at the deep end" experience - good luck with it all! (Loving the capes!!) Lynn at Pirnie

Anonymous said...

That's lovely :) So many pictures!

louise x

Rowena Arshad said...

The learning environment looks brilliant. I am sure everyone- received lots out of the day/session. I have to say, the food looks good to me..but then it is 'home cooking' for me. The school looks great- please give my warm regards to Dr Lwin. Really enjoying the daily blogs..Mae Sot will be a culture shock I suspect for Fiona and Irvine.