Monday 13 July 2009

Monday in Hle Bee School

Fiona and Irvine today taught Kindergarten B how to play Heads Down, Thumbs Up.
Their teacher is the little teacher who used to teach underneath Thazin's house.
She is a really fast learner
and soon had the whole class doing Heads Down Thumbs Up
on her own.

Irvine gave out the letters from Forthview children
then tried to translate them into pigeon Burmese!

We teach our new Toothbrushing song to Grade 4, 5 and 6
in Burmese and English
then show the actions.

Teachers talk teeth while children write teeth!

Emma in the background is the Canadian volunteer at Hle Bee this year.
Sheila hopes she will help Louise when she comes in August for 5 months.

The Grade 4 teacher helps his pupils.
You can see Thazin rushing off.
She is teaching Grade 6 and Grade 3
in 2 separate building at the same time just now!
Hle Bee is short of one teacher.

The girls work hard.

Later Grade 6 are all noisily memorising a text.
This girl is trying to find some peace so she can learn.
This is not easy in Hle Bee.
It's a very noisy school with children chanting and reciting loudly always.

However, in the afternoon, Kindergarten A babies still sleep and sleep..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, the new building is amazing!

louise x