Thursday 16 July 2009

It makes me so MAD!

I have just come back from a quick visit to Hle Bee. (Today I am preparing for tomorrow's presentation to 60 Burmese teachers.) Irvine and Geoff are hanging the etchings in Borderline Gallery while Fiona teaches Kindergarten B with Bobo's help.

I asked Thazin if the guy teaching Grade 5 & 6 today was her Thai teacher.

"No, he is my computer teacher."

"But he has no computer."

"No, he is teaching from the book."

From the book? How do you teach computers from a book?

I could weep.


Rowena Arshad said...

Is this the next best thing to try and get then- a couple of computers? Definitely something a specific fund-raising venture could target? Sorry not been in touch for a bit..just catching up on the heaps of photos etc.. As always, you are all doing heaps and people really appreciate you guys being there- I guess it will now be like visiting old friends rather than visiting a 'refugee school' as such. Would love you all to come back and tell Moray House students what difference teachers can make - mind you, you need to be a teacher that is prepared to be an activist and a change agent to fully appreciate what you guys are doing.

Forthview said...

There are 3 computers in school but they are not great and are situated near the power outlet in the kitchen. Murray Forgie, BEST, has taken delivery of a large number of computers and has said he'd give some to Hle Bee and some to Say Ta Nar but I believe they are stuck deadlocked in red tape at Bangkok airport. Update us Murray?

Yes, they are more than friends. They are family to us all now. We were so proud of them all at the Exhibition tonight. All of us were greeting.... oh I better blog this.....

mr-potter said...

I am not an education guy but am a technology guy. I would caution against just sending over a few old computers. The hardware is not suitable for that kind of environment, and the software for most of these kinds of computers need constant care and attention (they wont have a helpdesk to call).

I the "One Laptop Per Child" initiative something that may work here?

Forthview said...

Mr Potter, you are exactly right. Whenever we come here they have a few old computers that don't work. The first time they'd been donated without giving admin privileges so nothing could be uploaded and no settings could be altered. We will investigate your suggestion. Thank you very much. Sheila