- A thriving, growing school of 329 children who feel safe, happy, nurtured and valued in their school and who have a hunger for learning.
- A community based around the school, with fantastic parental involvement in the school, so much pride in their school and a passion to improve their school
- A highly dedicated and committed staff team who live and work closely to improve the lives of their students and to give them skills which will give them better life opportunities in the future.
It's a privilege for Forthview to be global partners with Hle Bee. They have so much to teach us. Thank you Hle Bee for your amazing hospitality to us again this year. In the next post, I'll share the challenges facing Hle Bee in coming months....
However, this is probably the appropriate moment to tell you all the difficult news that Hle Bee and some other Burmese learning centres in Mae Sot have lost their previous funding. If it were not for the £5000 that Forthview raised over the last year, Hle Bee would now have no funding. This £5000 is keeping Hle Bee running until October 2008. Another long term funder is being sought but many funds are now being diverted to Cyclone Nargis relief so the future is not certain.......
I read your comment about loss of funding and was about to launch into a rant about governments, focus, economics, world wide recession etc etc... then I remembered the rabbit in Bambi ( the film) who said
' if you have nothing useful to say, then don't say anything at all...' ....so I will not rant.
However, I did wonder the nature of international links of schools within Edinburgh. Which schools have Edin schools got links with? How many schools fund raise for schools they have connections with? Is there anyway that as a Council we could collectively agree to sponsor say 5 schools in different geographical areas and the reasons for doing so...
One of reasons I have told other people about the work at Forthview is that I have admired the educational links, the borderland discourses you have developed and the border crossings that you have made (as described by Giroux).
You could have chosen to 'twin' with a school that was much better of, in a nice place and have nicey nicey visits.. but you chose an issue, a school, a community to work with that brought forward a range of human rights, equality, anti-poverty type issues and for me this is education with a purpose- as it should be- you gave us opportunities to think about 'why'
Surely we can as an education community create meaningful links with five establishments and use these links as a learning and teaching experience for schools, pupils, teacher education students, teacher educators like myself etc.
As always, ideas ...
thanks for all the news and lovely photographs... Forthview School has helped so much here for the survival of the school...it really is inspiring to see the exchange...and great to see the children working on the drypoints...I can't wait to see their efforts...regards to all Chris
Rowena, as ever, you are so positive and creative in your ideas...
Chris, we have etching plates and prints packaged well here for you. I will phone to arrange handover! It'd be great to catch you up with it all in person. Sheila
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